Saturday, November 17, 2007

Month by month

One month was when I discovered the biggest life change, that made me doubt.
Soon I'll a mother, with a huge responsibility that I knew nothing about.
So many questions filled my mind, so many books I had to read.
To learn as much as I could, to satisfy our baby's needs.

Two months seemed to fly by so fast. Two months I slept away.
Exhausted, tired and cranky. I could have stayed in bed all day.

Three months it was love at first sight, we had our first ultrasound.
There you were so small as my belly got a little round.

Four months you startled me, when I felt that first little kick inside.
You always seemed more active the minute I closed my eyes.

Five months we couldn't wait, as our anticipation grew.
We found out you were a baby girl, but your daddy always knew.
From day one he always said, it's a girl, he even picked out your name.
How excited we were to find out, that the ultrasound revealed the same.

Six months I was glowing with excitement, your due date almost near.
Soon I will be able to hold you in my arms, soon you will be here.

Seven months, eight months, nine months a blur.
Before we knew it there you were.

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