Thursday, September 06, 2012

Lucky # 5

Both of my girls are 5!!! Becca five years old, and Abby is 5 weeks old today! Dave took her today for her doctor's appointment, she weighs now 10lbs. 12oz. Abby gained one whole pound since last week. I just packed away all of her 3 month sleepers, where her toes were about to burst through the bottoms, out came the 3-6 month clothes.

Becca started school this week. It's an adjustment for all of us. There's been a couple mornings of tears, and Becca asking to stay home. Hopefully, it will get a little easier... as we've started to get back to our school night bedtime routine.

The daycare is open again full swing with a much smaller and older group. I've got my two three year old boys full time and a few drop ins a coupe of hours a week. It's actually really nice running the daycare upstairs and soaking up that beautiful sunshine coming in through the windows.

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