Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Count the small things in your beautiful life

My beautiful lovely girl is growing like a wild seed not only by the inches but in such a sweet pure sense of the world through her eyes. I have been given the wonderful gift of Becca sharing with me the beauty that often goes unseen, or simply unappreciated. It's the small things that make the big picture. At times I am left speechless, as I can do nothing but stare in awe.

The other day I was an emotional roller coaster. It's when little Becca saw my frustration in trying to get the house in order that she said so sweetly. 'Mom, if people come over and the house is a mess.... that's ok, your doing a good job'


Marcoantonio Arellano (Nene) said...

Always love taking time, a moment, trying to view the world from the eyes of the young at different ages and stages. It's not just innocence perceived but a physically, by age and size, a different perspective. I cherish those moments and embrace them when at all possible because I am at a disadvantage in that I am not a 'mother' (although some have called me that with negative connotations) and sadly have never reared biologic children.

I do appreciate your sharing this gentle and educational moment.

Unknown said...

Thank you. It are moments like those that I wish to cherish forever.