Saturday, May 12, 2012

Pregnancy Update

So I am just now over 28 weeks pregnant with 12 weeks left to go. I was referred by my doctor to a diabetic clinic to work on a diet plan for gestational diabetes. He doesn't think I will need to go on insulin, but I really need to watch what I eat in the next few months. Our little Abigail is getting bigger and stronger by the day. There is lots of movement, kicks, and rolling around going on in there. It's just so amazing to feel and see, words can not even begin to describe the little miracle growing inside me. Becca is so excited to meet her baby sister. My due date is July 27th, but I have a feeling that this little gal will be an early arrival. I remember thinking the same thing with Becca, and she was 8 days late, so I guess you never really know. They will come out when they are good and ready.

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