Wednesday, April 04, 2012

5 years ago...

5 years ago I was eating the most wonderful dish of spaghetti, with a side of garlic toast. So delicious in fact, that as I began the first stages of labor, I insisted on finishing before making that final trip to the hospital. When I felt a contraction I stood up, walked it out, and then sat back down.

Tomorrow at 4:53am my baby girl turns 5.

Just today she came with me to my 5th month baby check up. She smiled at the sound of the baby's beating heart.

1 comment:

Marcoantonio Arellano (Nene) said...

Congrats to your giving birth to Love and finding maternal selflessness.

Sometimes I wish men could have babies just so that we could find that feeling of giving and selflessness. Hope this didn't sound too wierd.

April is a good month. I'm an old April baby.
