Thursday, January 05, 2012

Double Trouble

Officially today I am 10 weeks pregnant. I am so excited, and anxious for our very first doctor's appointment on Monday and even more so for that very first ultrasound. This pregnancy is a little different from when I was pregnant with Becca. I never once lost my appetite, and this time around I have my days where I can't handle much more than toast and cheerios.

I have just a small nagging suspicion that I could be carrying twins, another reason why I am anxious to have that first ultrasound. it probably doesn't help that Becca's been saying that mommy is going to have twins since she was two. Specifically one boy and one girl, just like big sister Dora The Explorer. And then there was the psychic... Silly I know... but she told me that myself or one of my sisters will have twins. Now it seems I'm seeing double everywhere!!!!

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