It is very difficult to write what is in your heart. There is always that bit of fear that holds you back from writing the truth. During my process, I read that it could be very encouraging to write yourself a letter as though it were from a friend. I did. When I get discouraged I look back on it, and it makes a world of difference.
I know that you have it in you. The words. The talent. The gift.
A gift that you can either keep to yourself or share with others. You have such passion. Let your words speak through that passion. You don't need to hide. You don't need to be afraid. This fear of baring your soul is helping you through a process. The process of healing. To heal means being honest. It means ripping the bandages off old wounds, and bringing them to the surface. It will not be easy, but you can do it. I have faith in you. I believe in you.
When you fall I'll be right there there to help you on your feet. I will be by your side every step of the way, encouraging you to move forward. Let the journey begin.
Always & Forever,
Your Friend
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