April 3rd, 2003
I'm all alone in this world of mine
I am weak and I am strong from time to time
Nowhere to go, no place but here
Now I must face my deepest fear
It started back in my childhood...
even then I never understood,
how life seems to go by so fast,
and never knowing which day is my last.
April 5th, 2003
I've had the same dream three nights now, and I wake up remembering a number... the same number. In my dream I have limited amount of time to figure out the meaning, it is a matter of life and death. I'm frantic, on the verge of lunacy.... The number is 1111.
Does this mean anything?
Before I'd had those dreams... I'd never even so much as noticed a 111 or 1111. Maybe I had just never payed attention? Some of you are familiar with the whole make a wish when you see 11:11.
I didn't even so much as know it was a wishing number.
For me... the number was a huge eye opener. It opened my eyes to the changes that I desperately needed to make.
As you can see from the "April 3rd" entry... I was paralyzed by fear... I was afraid of death. I had kept this to myself.
I was afraid of everything, and my imagination would get carried away.... I envisioned death everywhere. This is the first I've ever gone into depth about it.
I became a constant worrier... every time I crossed the street, got into a car, walked alone at night, was home alone... the list goes on. My heart would race, I would hold my breath, I became nauseous.
In the 1111 dream... I was in a race against time. I remember vivid details, such as leaping out of the way of a transport with 1111 in huge print on it's side... and searching for a ticket with that same number... I remember my frantic state.. WHAT IS IT???? A DATE? A TIME? A MESSAGE? A PHONE NUMBER? ADDRESS? The dream was a puzzle, and I was missing all of the pieces.
Since then... I became aware of the number 1111 in all of it's forms. It almost seemed as though my eyes were drawn to the clock frequently at 11:11. I began to wonder... question the meaning of it. Is there meaning? I gave up. Thought it to be just coincidence.
But there are no coincidences.
When I was in college... just for sheer stupidity, I took it a step further. Went to google... typed in 1111. The top link was a page with the heading... "The 1111 Explanation". My jaw dropped. Others are seeing it to?? It is believed that the numbers are signs, that angels use to communicate. To be aware of your surroundings, possible changes you need to make, or a new door that is opening for you, and a signal to let you know you are on the right track, depending on your situation. I began to think of all of the times I saw the number.... most occurred when I was causing self destruction, which at the time made me really angry when I saw the number, because in a way it made me feel guilty.
Other times were a slap of awareness, leaving me with an uneasy feeling. Driving back from Toronto with my dad a taxi cut out in front of us... last four digits of cab number 1111. I look over at my dad and he is half asleep, I felt uncomfortable, and asked him to pull over to rest.
1111 on occasion leaves me with a feeling I can't ignore.
I thought... angels? Maybe.
I began a search... not even knowing what I was looking for.
I asked for answers... not even knowing who I was asking.
Then it happened... One day, I was in the library at the college. At the very moment in my life, when I had asked for help... an angel was sent. We became friends, and her family became a part of my family.
It was then that I began a relationship with God.
My life has been forever changed.... and still only just beginning.
God has shown me areas in my life that need work.
Sept. 29th, 2005
I began studying the bible, and journalizing.
I came to a verse..
"Right then three men who had been sent to me from Caesarea stopped at the house where I was staying. The spirit told me to have no hesitation about going with them. These six brothers also went with me, and we entered the man's house. He told us how he seen an angel appear in his house and say, 'Send to Joppa for Simon who is called Peter. He will bring you a message through which all you and your household will be saved.'
As I read.... stopped at the house... spirit... hesitation.. the strangest thing happened.
A dream that I'd had the night before, that I had completely forgotten about had come to me right then and there at that moment.
It was as though I was having it over again... clear as day. The feelings especially. My hair stood on end, as the eerieness of it all came back to me.
The dream
"A man with one good leg was limping down the street while dragging his bad leg and supporting himself with a cain. I could hear the sound of his foot scraping against the pavement from inside my house. Scrrrrr, Scrrrrr, Scrrr... closer... closer. I was petrified, so escaped out the back door of my house as he he approached the front door. He knocked on my door, but I had already left. The sound of his foot dragging lingered.
Suddenly I stopped running... "Why was I running away in the first place?" I hesitated before deciding to go back. My inner concience was fighting against me... "Get away... RUN!!!" I ignored it, and went back. I took the long way, and met the man on the end of my driveway. At first I was suspicious... but his gentle eyes eased my nerves. Guilt spread over me as I realized... "This man is disabled, what if he needed my help?"
I asked the man "is there anything I can help you with?"
I lead him back to my house and noticed that the front door was wide open. I hesitated again... and ignored it.
I helped the man inside.
As soon as he was inside... the gentleness suddenly left his eyes and his expression became hard and dark. His strength was not that of a disabled man as he swung the door shut and threw his cain."
I went back to journalize the verse Act 11:11-14... coincidence I think not. That was indeed God.
In the end.... Act 11:14 - He will bring you a message.
The message was clear....
I was living in a fantasy world. On many occasions, I ignored that inner voice... I knew it was wrong, it felt wrong and I brushed it off. I wanted to trust everyone, I wanted to be friends with everyone... and I didn't want to believe that anyone could ever hurt me.
I opened myself up, and I was hurt. I gave my heart and I was lied to. I was warned well in advance, and I ignored it.
The message: If I don't start trusting my instincts, and listen to what it is telling me... I could end up in serious trouble.
God is there watching over.... God protects... God loves.
my daughter in law just called me and asked me mom why do i keep seeing 11:11 on the clocks. i have myself been doing it for about three years. it seems in the car, clock radio, time on the computer it is 11:11. it is so common i just look away now. but is God is trying to tell some of us something we must be attentive to his call. Now my daughter in law has sent me to this page and, i do know i thing we are in the end times and God is prepairing the Bride for Christ to come back for. i daily stay in the word, and have put this 11:11 to the side until now. no one else in my family or friends have ever mentioned it. so i truly believe God is trying tell his angels something we need to seek out. he says in his word he would use the least among us to prophesy in his name. this 11:11 in all the time for me and i also between 3:30 and 4:00 am. am awaken and told to go get in the word. i can not just roll over and sleep i have to get up and go the the table and see what it is God needs me to hear. and read in his word. any other spirit filled (led) information on this is welcomed. God is still in the miricle working business and i do not want to miss one thing. Love in Christ to all, Granny
Hi Michelle,
It seems a bit odd to be writing about this but I just couldn't pass it up . I have been seeing the number 222 since a year now and recently the number 1111. I never thought too much about it when I would be compelled to look at the clock and notice it was 2:22 or 11:11, am or pm. Over and over this would happen to me and after a time I mentioned it to my girlfriend just because I thought it to be strange. Three months ago however I left Toronto to visit my Mother who was in Nova Scotia. On one of the nights a cousin of mine shared with me something which had really disturbed him. He had also been seeing the number 1111 and had been so affected by it that he was broken emotionally. Needless too say when I told him that I had been seeing the same numbers He broke down and how he felt exactly I'm not sure but I know it seemed to be a mixture of disbelief but also extreme relief that he was not alone in this anymore. We are now both desperate to find out what these numbers really have to do with our lives because we continue to see them everywhere. I am a Christian and my cousin is searching for a meaningful encounter with God . The numbers have brought us together and we both know there are things in our lives that must change, and that we must begin to trust God in a deeper way. I am happy to see another Christian talking about this because so far there is so much wacky stuff out there on 11:11. I personally believe it to be a wake up call from God , atleast in my own life. Listen to the song "When the Man comes around " by Johnny Cash, it is the song which has had the most impact on my cousin through this time...it played at 11:11 when first listening to the cd .
P.S. The moment I landed on your site the clock read 1:11 , crazy isn't it how things happen for a reason. I 'll keep you updated.
You may found others who experience this at http://www.11-11.streamlinetrial.co.uk/phpbb2/index.php
I've just graduated highschool this year class of 08 but the past six months i have been seeing this 11:11 phenomenom every where it first started with seeing 11:11 on the clock once or twice a day then i would see it everyday along with seeing 1:11 on the clock. I then began to see the numbers in others places for example one night when i was driving home i look at the mileage meter on my truck (digital gas gauge) it said i had 111 miles left in my tank.
I do think god is trying to tell us something with what i dont know. I know i began to see the number increasingly more the farther i got from god and deeper in to sin. For example i would see the number on my cell then on the clock car everywhere if i was going out to party with my friends or any act that i knew was wrong in the eyes of gods. Seeing the number made me feel guilty about the things i was doing something i hadn't felt since i was a little when i attended church regularly and went to a christian school. I felt a since of ergency too when i would i would see this number an ergency to quit what i was doing and change or something bad was going to happen. Almost like god warning me.
Well any way i came across this blog searching for answers for why i see this number all the time and i too came a lot of crazy explanations, but its comforting to no that i'm not the only one seeing this. If any body has any further info please e-mail me at jacobhaight1678@hotmail.com
I was into the occult, astrology, and numerology. It was shortly after becoming a born-again Christian that the 111 sightings started happening to me. (the last digits of my ss # are 1111 that I applied for three years before becoming a christian: so to me this is evidence that 111 was in my life long before I realize it) ....My mind was opened to a spiritual reality when I got saved, it was a dimension very new to me. Perhaps, I started to pick up 111 vibes along side the spiritual reality of God. I've never felt that 111 was of God though, it was always more like something was competeing with His Spirit for my attention. Getting saved made Satan very angry and his angels are trying to lure me back into the occult via 111. The Bible is loaded with numbers and their significance. For some reason God stresses the 666 as a reference to the anti-christ. I personally believe that we are in the age when his evil presence comes onto the world-wide stage. Perhaps 111 and 11:11 has to do with the SPIRIT of this person. A decieving spirit that is very prevalant in the world today and will become even more so as time goes on. People who see 111 are being awakened to the spirit realm or drawn to it more closely. If it has lead you to search for answers, may I suggest reading the Holy Bible (King James Versoin). John 1:1 is a good place to start. Another quest could be to search all the 111 verses as well, especially Revelation 11:11. The ancient writings of scripture go back 5,000 years! Of course the New Testement is just over 2,000, but all of it is relevant today. And 2,000 years ago, Jesus warned of 666, and now we're seeing it! I have no other answers for this phenon except the Word of God which says, "Take heed how you hear." and that WE are personally responsible, each and everyone of us, to God. Do not take my word for anything nor another's word. You must search out the Truth so that you will know beyond a shadow of a doubt what is true because you experience it first hand. You've started by doing the internet search. There are other sites out there that say that the 111 is some kind of DNA awakening within us, or that we are being contacted by "Light Workers," etc. I don't believe any of it! I don't believe it simply because it contradits the Bible. It is my standard of truth. My wish is that it is yours as well. Sincerely, Debra G.
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