I am thoroughly enjoying my time at home with Becca and Abby. Every day is one new adventure after another, and no two days are alike. Our days are full of unexpected surprises, I never know what each day will bring.
Each morning Abby wakes up with a beaming smile. She lies on her belly, and pulls the bumper pad down enough to rest her chin on. When I come into the room she kicks her legs with excitement. We have a wonderful breakfast together, which follows with fruit. Abby loves berries of every kind. She grabs them by the fist full, squeezes them and then compacts them all into her little mouth.
Just the other day, I brought out Abby's ball. We spent quite an amount of time passing it back and forth between us, before Abby smiled and said.. 'Baw'. Her first word other then mama and dada.
Followed by 'Daw' and her panting like a dog. In just a few weeks my baby girl will be one. I can hardly believe it's been a year. Where has the time gone?
Becca is an amazing big sister, she absolutely adores Abby. She is always playing with Abby and pretending that is her baby. Sometimes I need to remind her that Abby is a little person, not a doll.
Becca, Abby and I have been swimming alot lately. Abby absolutely loves the water, and Becca is just learning how to swim. Her determination astounds me. She leaps from the ladder into the water and gives it her hardest doggy paddle, she wanted me to let her go on her own until she sunk. I pulled her up just as her head sunk bellow the surface and she excitedly beamed 'that was good for a first time, right mama?'