Matthew 25:14-30 / The parable of the talents
'God gives us time, abilities, gifts and other resources, and he expects us to invest in them wisely until He returns. We are expected to use well what God has given us.
The issue is not how much we have, but what we do with what we have.'
I have been given the ability to change, only to come up with another excuse.
All the power is within me, what have I got to lose?
The time I have been given is limited, each day, one day closer to the end.
I will not waste another day, I must carry through with God's great plan.
So many gifts I have to work with, some may need more time to grow.
Each mature at a different pace, some quickly and others slow.
'Hidden talents emerge out of the shadows.
New inspirations are born.
Your capabilities may surprise you, as you discover yourself for the first time.'