It occurred to me yesterday that Becca is exactly one month old.
That I've had one month experience of motherhood.
I've been asked 'Do you miss being pregnant?'
The truth is, yes and no.
I had a great pregnancy. Somehow I managed to bypass all of the pregnancy downfalls.
No swelling, no morning sickness, no decrease in energy. I worked right up until the month I was due. As each month passed I had reached another milestone. By the forth month I felt that first little kick, that continued to get stronger by the fifth and sixth month. By seven months, my belly looked about to explode. I was caught off guard one day, by a rhythmic beat that lasted about 3-5 minutes. A heart beat? Curious I pulled out all of my pregnancy literature to figure out what exactly it was I felt. It didn't take long before I found my answer. My baby had the hiccups. She had them once a day, everyday until the day she was born. The most interesting part of pregnancy was looking down at my bare belly only to see it quiver and lump out at one side as the baby would change position.
Some nights I would fall asleep smiling, just imagining what life would be like with our new little one.
I was becoming quite anxious by the ninth month, as I had watched what seemed hundreds of births on 'A baby story'. I wanted to be prepared, I wanted to see how other women handled this very painful experience.
On April 4th, the contractions started around 8:30pm.
I arrived at the hospital at 10:30pm, and opted for an epidural which I got around 12:30am.
Easy going from there. I felt no pain, only the pressure of the baby moving. I was awakened out of a deep sleep by the nurse who told me that the baby's head was crowning, and it was time to deliver. I honestly thought she was joking, until I saw Dave leap from his chair and confirm that the head was indeed there. How could I not feel it? Seven minutes later our little girl was placed in my arms. It felt like a dream. It still does. I am a mother.
I cradle Becca in my arms. I've waited so long to meet her, that I can't believe she's actually here. For the nine months I carried her, our bond became stronger each day. I'll never forget the moment I fell in love. A love so strong, that your heart literally skips a beat. That every moment in my life that broke my heart had been forgotten because now at that very moment my heart was whole again. It was the same feeling I had when Dave came into my life, and I realized that this is the one that I want to spend the rest of my life with.
This is my family. I love you both very much.